Whitney Life Planning
1, Where do you see yourself in five years? Include a numbered description of how you plan on getting there.
Goals for
- I would like to obtain my masters in special education within the next two years, rather be attending a college for that degree. If possible I may obtain a degree in another field also even a bachelors in early childhood education.
- In order to make this happen I would have to research the schools that have the program that I am interested in and all the information that I would need.
- Get my transcripts and recommendation letters done way in advance, along with my letter of intent. Make sure that everything is proof read and ready to go.
- spirituality
- I would like to feel like I am whole and with God daily, not just for part of the day but the whole day. I want to get back to daily Prayer journal entries and weekly personal/group bible studies.
- Just begin the whole process again, on day at a time.
- Ask someone who does that to keep me in check…. Cough cough hint hint YOU lol
- I want health insurance within the year. I would like to know if my kidneys are bad, get tested for everything because I haven’t had a physical in over a year.
- Research different plans and cost.
- Find a job that either includes it as a benefit or will pay me enough to be able to afford it.
- I would like to have a savings account, good credit, be past stable but comfortable because stable is where I am now and I hate it. I would like to have my student loan paid off before five years elapses.
- Keep paying my student loans and other bills on time.
- With all my bills try to pay more than what I owe in order to bring the balance down faster and eliminate interest or fees.
- Personal life/ Relationships
- I want me and my family to continue to grow together.
- Keep the lines of communication and honesty open.
- I would like to have tougher skin and not care about certain things as much as I do. Like at work too much crap bothers me that shouldn’t.
- Not sure open to advice honestly
- I would like for my friends to stay in my life for life but if they don’t not to dwell on it or hold a grudge.
- To trust people more, especially the person I am dating.
- I would like to be engaged…or at least with someone where it will lead to that direction with no worries. I mean I sincerely believe that me and Malk could go in that direction but I don’t want to only look at that possibility and be heart broken…I’ve become slightly realistically pessimistic…sad to say but life is cruel to my optimistic side
- Get into shape
- Work out more
- Work out with people on a daily basis in one form or another
Who do you plan on having help you with your goals?
- God
- A lot of times I look for help from everyone else but him. If I put my faith in him I feel that a lot of things would be different or be taken in a different light when they happen to me. But since I don’t do that I feel majorly let down and sad sometimes.
- My family-
- Mom & Aunt always keep me in check but at the same time have great advice and connects.
- My grandma is just a great support
- Allegra keeps me striving to be the best so that I won’t just screw my life up
- My friends
- Altina
- Ju’lia
- Chrystal
- Shevaun
- Shantice
- Mary-kay
- She would be able to give me great advice, letters of recommendations and point me in the right direction.
- Malcolm
- Can’t work on a relationship without him lol
What friendships do you want to work on? Which are you concerned about.
- At the moment my friendships are pretty good. I feel like whoever isn’t there I don’t need. Some people that are around me I don’t consider them friends to the point I would stress if we fell out, where as there are the select few that I would freak out. The people that would make me freak are all good right now. Each person has their own flaws like I know I do but they are still my PBD regardless.
Plans of action
In the goals listed above how can you realistically make these things happen. Include a list of people that can help you with this.
** I am going to go back and type this into the goals =)
Homework going into the next week: Create to do lists- they can be uploaded on google share them with me. So we can practice accountability.
I love you Whitney!!
I love you too and this was great. Talk soon but I am not sure how to share my todo list with you
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